The sequel to Happy Ending?
3months later...
"Drake I can't take this anymore! Any little thing, you run to her every beck and call."
"What do you expect me to do she is carrying my child."
"What? And I'm not? Drake, have you forgotten about Mimi? She hardly ever sees you, I hardly ever see you." Nicki sat back in the love seat in their living room. "But obviously you don't care about us anymore." Nicki mumbled. Nicki and Drake were too busy arguing that they didn't see Mimi run up stairs from school. "I love you he said, I would never cheat on you, you're the only girl for me... Now look where we are?!" Nicki looked at him "Drake all I am saying is that I want a DNA test. I don't trust that girl."
"I will do whatever you want because I love you and Mimi and this little girl." He rubbed her belly. "I want us to stop fighting; it's not good for Mimi or the baby. I love you Nic you gotta understand that... I will never hurt you intentionally. “He kissed her sweetly, they shared a moment, as they stared in to each other’s eyes, and there it was, that magical spark. Nicki knew that this chapter that she is going through in her life was going to be hard. Baby Mama Drama! But she just had to have faith in her husband and believe his every word. "Do you want anything before I go?" Drake asked breaking the silent trance they were in.
"Umm nope... I'm just mad you get to go studio and I don't."
"Well Toni did put you on a strict bed rest." There was an awkward silence between them. Drake felt really bad because it is kinda his fault Nicki was stressed out. "Babe I'm so sorry, I know I was my fault," He said sitting on the love seat next to her and looking in to her eyes. "I promise to never ever stress you out like that again.” Nicki held his face hand.
"Listen to me; everything was stressing me out, not just you. Can we just focus on the positive like girls and us I love you ok" she gave him a peck on the lips. "Leave I don't want you coming home to late."
"Don't worry, I will be home before dinner I'm just listening to a couple of song off the new album."
"Oh okay... See you later!"
"Take Care baby"
Nicki sat back, eating popcorn and watching Judge Judy. Mid way through the show, Nicki realised that Mimi wasn't home. She began to panic. Nicki called the school; they said that she got on the bus. Nicki started to really panic!! She called the police. Because of Dr. Williams’s strict orders, Nicki stayed at home. She figured if the school said she got on the bus she must have been brought home. Nicki looked everywhere in the house. Once she got to Mimi's princess room, she found her daughter asleep on her bed, with tear stains on her cheeks. Nicki let out a sigh of relief, she just got into her bed with her, and kissed her daughters forehead. Mimi stirred a little bit before waking up. "Mommy, why are you crying?" Mariah asked
Nicki stocked Mariah's hair out of her face. "Baby when did you come in? Mommy was worried sick, why didn't you tell me you were back?"
Mariah was silent; soon after Nicki's questions she wiped her tears as she sat up.
"Mimi what's wrong? Lo que le pasa a mi hijo?" Nicki sat up and lifted Mimi head up so she could see her face.
"Mommy, you and daddy are always fighting. ALWAYS! No one cares about me anymore." Nicki hugged her daughter.
"Mimi, listen I promise, very very soon we will be happy. I just know it. I am sorry for all the fighting and arguing." Nicki started to tear up; this reminded her of what her mother used to say. "I am sorry that we hurt you, we didn't mean to make you cried. I love you little girl." Nicki tears ran down her face, "Am I forgiven?" Mimi wiped her mother’s tears.
"Yes, I love you too mommy" She hugged her.
With Drake...
Drake may have lied about going to the studio... He knocked quiet loudly on Javonique door. To say Drake HATED her was an understatement, Hate is a very strong word, but Javonique is not a very likeable person. She was just a groupie that was carrying his child, she was a spiteful, evil whore that just wanted Drake's money and to destroy his family, that is why she came to Mimi's party. She knew exactly who Nicki was and she knew exactly what she was doing. "Javonique what do you want?" he said as she opened the door, he was referring to the thousands of text messages she left on his phone.
"I thought you wanted to pick out names since I am giving birth in less than a week." She said as he walked in. "I was thinking Aubrey Jr"
"Uh no…"
"And why not..."
"Because Nicki and I already planned to call our son that"
"But she is having a girl..."
"I know but for the future"
"How do you know that you'll still be together!!" she said with attitude. Drake glared at her.
"Because I love her and we are married."
"So... Love can fade and there is always divorce." she said nonchalantly, flipping through her Cosmo magazine.
"Okay... I just came to tell you I will be having a DNA test when the baby is born."
"WHAT!!!!! No you will not!"
"And is that?"
"Because I know this baby is YOURS!"
"See I don't know because I don't remember that night."
"Well I do! And we HAD sex, Drake!!"
"I don't trust you! You are not calling the Baby Aubrey Jr and I am having that DNA test!" Drake shouted before slamming her front door.
Javonique didn't want Drake to have a DNA test because she an evil bitch, who can't risk losing Drake, that’s her income. But she had a plan...
After Nicki call the cops saying what happened with Mariah, Mimi and her decide to bake mini cupcakes before Nicki starting making dinner.
"Mariah, what cake are we making?"
"I want chocolate cakes, but you like red velvet and Daddy like... Hmmm what does Daddy like?"
"Mimi you know what, I don't actually know... And we have been married for 9years..."
"What cake did you have at your wedding?"
"Sponge cake and Red Velvet."
"Ok we can make Sponge cakes, Chocolate Cakes and Red velvet cakes."
"Okay let’s get started!" Mimi put on her pink apron and white chef’s hat. Nicki had put her long ringlet curly hair to the back with a side parting in her hair. Nicki wore her 'Yummy Mommy' Apron; but because of her 7month bump it wrapped around her since instead of the usual two times.
The girls messed around while baking, they throw flour at each other, Mimi wiped her chocolate covered hands on Nicki's face and Nicki dare her to drink a whole cup of beetroot. When it was time to decorate the cupcakes, both Mariah and her mother were sticky and messy as well as the kitchen.
"Mimi go up stairs, take a shower and wash the mixture and flour out of your hair and I will clean down here then we can decorate the cupcakes, I can make dinner and you can do your homework."
"Sounds like a plan!"
After Nicki cleaned up she took a shower and got dressed in black leggings, Dark green t-shirt and an black oversized cardigan that came down to her knees. "Mariah, hurry up and bring your homework books down with yuh!" Nicki shouted from down stairs.
Nicki showed Mimi how to decorate one cake and she did the rest, Nicki cook dinner; Fried Plantain, rice, curry chicken and chicken wings just because she wanted chicken wings! Lol she is pregnant.
"Mimi those look so yummy!" Nicki said walking in to the living room because she heard her phone ring.
"Thanks mom" Mimi smiled, admiring her work.
Nicki picked up the unknown caller. "Hello?"
"Hey Nicki its Javonique..."
"Can I come over to... talk"
"Okay I will be there in 10minutes"
"mmmkay" Nicki hung up.
Once Mimi was done with the cakes Nicki told her to go to her room to finishes her homework and if she needed help she should just ask. Like clockwork Javonique rang the door bell.
"Umm Come in...” Nicki signalled for her to sit. While she waddled into the kitchen to turn off the fire under the pots and turn off the oven and fryer, she went back in to the living room. "Soo..." Nicki said waiting for what Javonique has to say.
“I just wanted to tell you how Drake and I met." she said
"Umm he already told me...”
"He did?"
"Did he tell you we met on the set of Best I ever had?"
"Yeah... I was his girl on the side... We had sex every time we both were available. I just wasn't ready for a relationship. So we stay friends, friends’ benefits. When you and Drake got together he wanna us to stop... So we did until that one time you when to Ireland or London I forget which one." Nicki could fell the tear trying to escape her eyes but she blinked them away.
"London...” Nicki corrected her. Javonique smiled at the fact Nicki was believing her lies.
"Yeah well that when we started again... But I told him we should stop since he is getting married... So we did, we lost contact with each other for 8years. Then the night at the club we reunion, back to how we were... That was the night Aubrey Jr was conceived." Nicki had tears rolled down her face one after the other.
"What?" This hurt Nicki even more because they had just picked out boy names last week.
"Aubrey Jr, we picked the name this afternoon. Before he went to the studio."
"Wait... WHAT!?? He was at your house today?" Now Nicki knew everything she was saying was true.
"Yeah, the Doctor said it good to have sex when you’re pregnant it makes the hole bigger for the baby. We have been having sex since the night at the club." Javonique lied
Nicki felt sick... To think for the 10years they have been together she was sharing him with another person. Nicki wanted to think she was lying but something told her to believe her. Nicki and Drake's marriage was a lie. "Nicki, honey, do you need a tissue?"
"No I'm fine. Thanks for telling me everything!! The True!" Nicki wiped her tears as she escorted Javonique to the front door. Nicki finished make the food, while her thoughts ran through her mind. Nicki had come to a conclusion! She told Mariah to pack her bags, thank God it was Friday, and so Nicki didn't have to worry about Mimi's Summer School. Then she packed her stuff and put it in the car. She knows it's unsafe to drive but she wasn't going far. Then she wrote Drake a letter.
Dear Aubrey,
I have had enough. Enough of the games, the lying, the cheating. I have been nothing but faithfully to you, so now I am tired. I want a divorce and there is nothing you can say to get me back. My mind is made up.
P.S Mimi made cupcakes for you.
Nicki took off the engagement ring and wedding ring, placing it on the letter next to the cupcake. This was it; she never in a million years thought that Drake and she would split. She tried not to cry in front of Mariah because last time was not good. So she held it in. "Mimi hurry up!" She yelled. Mariah came downstairs in a blue raincoat and her white leather LV duffel bag, that Birdman (Baby) got her for her birthday. Nicki put her in the car and drove off to her old apartment.
"Mom where are we going?"
"Uh... To my old home for a slumber party!" Nicki tried to make this as fun as possible for Mimi even though she was hurting so bad inside.
"Yay!" It took them 10minutes to get to the apartment, Nicki order Chinese food for them to eat.
They both slept in the sofa bed, in front of the TV after watching Breakfast at Tiffany's.
Drake drove up to the house, he notice one of the four cars missing. He walked in the house, smelling the sweet aroma of his wife's cooking. "Hello?" the light was off which was strange. "Nicki?" there was no answer. "Mimi?" again no answer. He walked in the kitchen, where he was greet by a cupcake, and a letter. The read the letter which brought tears to his eyes. He doesn't even know what he did and where his wife and child were. He called Nicki's phone multiply times but there was no answer. He knew there was only three places she could be. Lauren's House, Her Mother's house or her old apartment. Drake called everyone before hopping in his car and zooming down to the place where his daughter and wife were.
Nicki couldn't sleep because she was hungry. So she left Mimi in the living room to sleep and went to the kitchen. Then she realised there was no food, just breadsticks and chocolate spread, so she improvises. As soon as she took her first bite Drake came through the door. "How did you..."
"Spare Key!"
"Drake what do you want?" Pregnant Nicki had to stay calm for the baby. But Normal Nicki really wanted to shove him out the door. "Nicki what is this about?"
"Drake you said you never cheated on me on purpose. Right?" Drake stood on the opposite side of the island in the kitchen.
"Right... Nicki I didn't lie to when I sai...."
"So why am I hearing shit you ain't told me before?"
"I don't what you have heard, besides it doesn't matter what people are say what matters, is you trusting me."
"Aubrey, if you did cheat on me there will be question about trust. If you're not going to tell the truth, why are you here?" Nicki was pissed off, but she had to stay calm.
"Nicki I thought we went through all of this."
"Clearly, not, if we are still having this discussion." Nicki rolled her eyes. "Did you cheat on me before we got married?"
"No!" Drake was getting frustrated but they had to compose himself. "Nicki do you know how long it took you to actual say yes to us, why would I mess the magical moments we shared by cheating."
"I don't know maybe you expected me to be more." They were silence so Nicki took that as a Yes. "Nice! Don't FUCKING LIE!! DID YOU GO TO JAVONIQUE PLACE TODAY."
"No" He Lied only because he didn't want to stress her out. Nicki the empty boxes from the Chinese they had early at him.
"You Lied Again!! See this is why I want a divorce. I think this Whole marriage is LIE! You just like your father!" Nicki knew that the comparison would push Drake's buttons. Drake stormed up to her, forgetting she was pregnant and pinned her up on the fridge and hold her face aggressively.
"I don't want to ever hear that again." he said sternly. "This marriage is my world. You hear me? This marriage not a mistake"
Nicki was furious, so she slapped him and pushed him off of her. "Don't you ever put your hands on me. Fuck you!"
"Nicki I am sorry, I do know what came over me."
"Aubrey you're right this marriage is a mistake. You Are The Mistake! I am going to ask you once more. Did you go her house today?"
"Yes, I went to talk about the baby."
"How many times have you had sex?"
"I don't know" The tears Nicki have been holding in since she wrote the letter came down like a waterfall
"Wow, that many times huh?"
"No just the once, but I don't remember It."
"See you are a liar and I am tired of you!"
"Nicki I promise you! I am telling you the truth. Please don't leave me" Drake held her waist.
"You promise mean nothing to me anymore. Don't Touch Me!!! You brought this on yourself." She brushed past him, only to see Mimi standing there in tears, Nicki was overwhelmed with everything that was going on and fainted.
"Daddy I hate you! I hate you!" Mimi shouted as she ran to her mother side, trying to aid her. She didn't understand what happened all she knew was her mother was hurt. Drake called the ambulance. "Why Most You Always Do This?" She was yelling at her Father something that was new to him and her. "I Hate You" Drake just stood there in shame.
After the ambulance came and took Nicki, Drake took Mimi to Nicki Mother's house; she didn't speak to him for the whole ride. He tried to get her to understand, but Mimi is her mother’s daughter, very stubborn.
After he dropped her off, he got a text from Javonique saying the baby is on its way. He slyly didn't give a fuck. He was more worried about Nicki. Getting a speeding ticket was the last thing on his mind, he ran every red light visible and when he got to the hospital, the nurse directed him to the room Nicki was in. She was awake and in pain. Dr. Williams spoke went she felt the tension between the two.
"Drake we are going to have to get this baby out."
"No we can't she is only 7months pregnant."
"Drake if we don't, this could be fatal for both mother and child.
"Okay... Okay but I am staying by her side."
"That's fine with me just get the scrubs on. We will start operating in a hour."
"Okay." Drake did as he was told.
When he came back to the room. Nicki was in bed relaxed because Toni gave her drugs to ease the pain.
"Nicki listen to me, I am so sorry, for all of this, I hate myself just seeing you like this. I know you still love me. I love you and I always will. You just need to trust me. I promise you, hand on heart I will stop the lies but you have to trust me when I say "No" or "Yes" because if we don't have trust we have nothing." Drake walked slowly over to her side.
"Drake, you always do this. Then I take you back. But No! Not this time. I am tired... I want that divorce."
"But Nicki..."
"No there is no changing my mind!"
Drake was in tears. "Nicki don't do this I love you" he walked up to hospital bed, grabbed her face and kissed her soft lip. She moaned. "Nicki, please..." he said between kisses.”Love doesn't just fade." still kissing he lips. What could Nicki say? Nothing. Love can never fade. Nicki can never stop loving him. She deepened the kiss, and then slowly pulled away.
"I don't want to take you back just like that. I want this to stop and I mean it. I want it to be the way it used to be, you know when it was Mariah, You and I"
"We can go back to that I promise when Karma comes out we can be a proper family I promise." He holds her hand.
"Aubrey you can't put your hands on me again," It brought tears to her eyes just thinking about the way he manhandled her. "If you do, I mean it, we are through, and I don't like that side of you Aubz"
"I am sorry, trust me I won't let it happen again. I love you Nicki."
"I love you more but this is your last chance. And if the baby ends up being yours, I don't want you forgetting about us like you did these past few months. The baby can be in your life, who am I to tell you that, but just don't forget us."
" I know!" He kissed her. They were a knock at the door.
"It's time!"
While Nicki and Drake were in the operating room praying everything goes well, Javonique was having her baby without Drake.
Because of the 3month Nicki stayed at home looking after herself and the baby they was no complication as Karma was a big strong baby. Although the hospital wanted Nicki and Karma to stay for two weeks so she could learn how to breathe on her own.
Drake was so proud of his wife; once she gave birth he kissed her passionately. It was one of the happiest moments of they lives.
The Next Day...
Drake went to go pick up Mimi so she could see the baby and her mother. Mimi was hesitated to go, but she wanted to see Karma. "Mimi are you not going to talk to me?" she was giving him the silent treatment. Drake hated the fact that he let out his bad side in front of the people he loved. He hurt the people he loves the most in his life. He needed a change.
At the Hospital...
Nicki admired Karma's face, hands, and feet. She was just a prefect creation of God. Nicki thanked God for her life. Nicki just watched her sleep. Her features were breathtaking. Black curly hair, olive skin, chinky light brown eyes, she was perfection.
Drake and Mariah came in the room. "Mommy!!" Mimi jumped on the bed, and hugged her mother as Drake kissed her forehead. Even though Nicki was in pain, from the C-section she didn't care she missed her baby. "Hey Buttercup, do you wanna meet Karma?" Mimi Nodded as Drake took the baby out of it little cot and handed her to Nic. Nicki cradled the fragile baby.
"Aw she is too cute" Nicki Giggled
"Like you." Mimi smiled.
"Can I hold her."
"Of course."
"Uh Nicki I will be right back, I have to take care of something."
"okay..." Nicki knew what he was talking about.
Drake walked down the hospital hall, to Javonique's room. "How do you feel?"
She looked up from the baby. "Good."
"Let me see him..." He was dark skinned with hazel eyes. "Aw he is beautiful." Drake said holding him. The baby looked up at him as drake looked down.
"Drake this baby is my everything... I just love him so much, he needs his father and you are not him." Drake looked up at her in shock.
"I thought you said...."
"I know what I said, I lied. Corey has just turned my life around, just staring at his little face make me want to be a better person. I mean there was no point in lying you would have found out eventually. We never had sex; you’re too much of a good guy, that night you were drunk you kept repeating Nicki's name say how you love her so much. I just want the best for Corey and me. I am sorry for the Drama and the trouble I have caused you." Drake just smiled. Yes he was mad because of the 9months of hell and the last 3months of the devil corrupting Javonique's mind but he was so happy. This means Nicki and Him could be together, no drama, no arguing, no shouting or yelling just LOVE.
Drake handed her Corey, "Thank you" was the very last thing he said to her. EVER! Javonique lived her life as a single mother....
Drake ran down the hall to Nicki's room. Both his daughters were asleep. He had a kool-aid smile as he watched them sleep. "Nicki I am not the father. I didn't even have sex with her." he whispered, making sure not to wake them. "She lied about everything. We can be happy again." Drake sounded like a 5year old that got what he wanted for Christmas causing Nicki to giggle. She grabbed the back of his neck and pulled him close to her, pulling him in a magical kiss, one where there was stars and rockets, like what they saw the first time they ever kissed.
"I Love You."
"I Love you"
9months later...
"Kay Kay go to mommy, Go on Karma!!" Drake said letting go of her tiny hands as she took one step closer to her mama.
"Go Karma" An 8year old Mimi cheered for her baby sister then ran off to go and get water for her sand castle.
Both family Maraj and Graham were at the beach for a family day out. Everyone was silently praying Karma would make it to her mother and when she did, the happiest from both families made the day even more special. Mama G snapped some photos of Karma first steps.
Drake half hugged Nicki as she was carrying Karma. "She finally did it"
"Oh My God I know. Yay!! Well done Kay Kay... Mommy and Daddy are so proud of you." Nicki cooed
"Princess Mimi!!!"Drake called. She ran to him, they were back on good term the week after Karma was born. After seeing her parents were all lovey dovey with each other she just figured everything was back to normal which it was.
"Yes Daddy..."
"Come and take pictures, silly"
"Daddy I am not Silly, I'm a Princess" Nicki giggled.
"Yeah you tell him."
"Dadda..." Karma reached up in the air for her father.
"Aww" Everyone said.
"Karma how you gonna do me like that?" Nicki said.
"Don't worry mommy you can carry me." Mimi said, lifting her hands up. Nicki carried her and they took loads of photos; one of Nicki and Drake kissing and individual ones of the kids.
Drake and Nicki had they moments, had they arguments, had they disagreement, and had they magical times but in the end... At the end of the Day, The supreme happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved.
So did Mimi get her Happy Ending?
"Yes I did!"
The End ;-)
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Baby Karma |
ReplyDeleteYahhhhhhh!!! I loved it!
ReplyDeleteAwe this was to cute.. is this really the end tho