This is a Special, it is a continuation of some sort to ‘My Boo’ & ‘My All’
From Mesha and Esther, Happy Holidays and Have a Happy New Year!!!
I woke up this morning, I don't want to get up, because my bed is too cosy aka I’m feeling lazy today. Today I'm having mixed emotions; I feeling happy and depressed. Okay I bet your wondering why... I mean I am Nicki Minaj! I do have a wonderful boyfriend that I wake up to almost of the time, due to Drake and my crazy schedules we are hardly together as for Angie; she has to travel back and forth to see us. Confused much? Let’s keep it that way... So it’s New Years Eve... I am happy I made it to another year but I'm depressed because I have a show tonight. Don't get me wrong, I love my barbz but I love my family too and I miss them.
Good Morning Beautiful :-) Now get up and show the world your beauty! ~ My Boo
LooL Drake knows me too well. I am gonna have to get up now.
I love you baby xo ~My All
I love you too ;) you out of bed yet?~ My boo
Nope, I was still in bed like I ain't got somewhere to be. I shook my head at my own thoughts.
Maybe I am, maybe I'm not *Angie's voice*: P ~My All
LoL seriously get up you have a long day ahead of you. ~ My Boo
Fine I’m up Drake!!!~My All
@NICKIMINAJ: Good Morning Barbz :) Drake is tryin to get me out of bed and he ain't even here.
@Drake: TeamMinaj don't diss me she has to get ready for tonight!
@NICKIMINAJ: But Papi, I need you to carry me out. Hehehe
@Drake: I will be there soon so I can do whatever you need me to do to you *winks* Mami.
@NICKIMINAJ: *looks from left to right* Drizzy... O.O stop! I have babies reading.
@NICKIMINAJ Anywhore.... Be sure to catch YMCMB on 106 & Park tonight @ 10pm
@NICKIMINAJ come and join for my All Pink Friday Party At Mansion!! xo
I read a couple of tweets before actually getting up, I took a shower reminiscing on the 3years that has gone by. Drake is back in my life, he is being the best father and boyfriend ever. Angel is now 9years old she is really growing up to fast. Oh, I decided to change her name to Angel Claire Graham since she is his daughter too. She is so intelligent like her father and I love seeing her happy. I am happy she has both parents in her life now, it’s just easier. I just don't want her to be one of those kids that never see their parents. For the New Year I want to base my schedule around her life.
I stepped out the shower after an hour and did my daily routine. I wore my pink Uggs, black sweats and a cute pink top. I let my natural hair flow down so it could air dry.
Gwoooooooorl hurry up! we’ve been in the lobby for half an hour~ Lauren
I met Terrance, Lauren and SB in the lobby. “Girl you be taking your time." Lauren said pressed as she was scrolling up on her blackberry.
"Lauren, you have known me for 15years, why are you acting like this is brand new, I always take my time." I rolled my eyes at her playfully. "Anywho, Good Morning Y'all." I greeted them. "Safaree did you tell Martian to book the nail appointment for me and Lauren."
"Did you confirm that he booked it with the nail salon."
"Yep, they said he did." I nodded.
"Okay Terrance I will meet you and Day here at 5" I said to him.
After having lunch and getting my nails done with Lauren it was already 3pm so I called my mother to check on Angel. "Hello Care Bear."
"Hey mama, uncle Caiah and I went to the arcade and play with his cute friend yesterday. Today I made t-shirt for everybody and Grandma helped." I smiled; she is so smart and creative. She wants to be a fashion designer and she is sticking to it.
“Aww is my one pink?”
“Of Course” I love her. I spoke to her for 1hour.
"Okay Angie be good for Grandma and Grandpa, like always and Happy New Year."
"Okay see you tomorrow! Bye Momma. Have fun tonight. Love you and happy new year."
"Love you too, muaaaaaaaaaah" I hung up and someone knocked on my door. "Come in" The door swung up, Terrance and SB came in the suite holding Roses.
"Drake said we should deliver these with you party hat." I smiled, how sweet.
"Thanks guys." I hugged them and took the flowers. "Umm guys imma take an hour nap then we can get started."
"Me too, I’m feeling sleepy" Lauren yawned.
Thank you baby, I love you so much. ~ My All
"You're welcome... Love you more~ My Boo
At Mansion.
Once I arrived at the club, I walked the pink carpet, took a couple wild looking pics and did a couple interviews. Then I went in to the club. It was packed full all I heard was screaming and I saw a bunch of people with wigs and party hats. I got to the V.I.P area. Now I could see the whole club. It was crazy; everyone screamed my name once I grabbed the mic. "Hello Barbz and Kenz are you ready to party?" They screamed "Yes"
I giggled. "Okay DJ let's get it jop!" He started play song while I signed boobs and men boobs. I spoke to so many barbz. I kissed all of them. Like a said before I love my barbz so much they are my world, my family and they're everything.
It was two minutes before the New Year. So I told them to stop the music. "Listen barbz and Kenz, make this year your own don't let anybody tell you what you can and can't do. I love you guys." I said in to the mic. "We love you Nicki" a group of girls said in the far right corner of the club.

"Okay it's Time. 10… 9… 8… 7…6… 5… 4… 3… 2…1 HAPPY NEW YEAR!" I looked into the crowd, as I played with the heart shaped necklace Drake got me years ago and I saw a lot of people drinking, hugging, they had the biggest smiles on their faces and I saw couples kissing, they reminded of Drake and I. It's just really sad how we're in two different states; I just wish he was here. I turned around to tell Safaree to give me my mic because I handed it to him after the countdown. I turned around and saw Drake? I just stared at him. Then I attacked his lips, that I missed so much as he wrapped his strong arms around my petite waist. I missed him so much, that tears fell from my eyes as our lips were still locked together. I forgot I was still in the mist of my fans until we pulled away. "Babe I love you" I said to him, my first words of the new year to the man I love. Thank God that i found my Mr. Right. We have been through ups and downs but we still end up in this beautiful place. He wiped my joyful tears away.
"I love you more." I pecked his lips and lead him to the dance floor. We slow danced and hugged most of the time. I just love this moment. This is the most Drake and I have seen each other in Two weeks. So expect us to be all lovey dovey up.

The Next Day…
Drake and I went to my mother's house. While my team went they separate ways. Drake’s family and my family were spending the holidays together; the only two missing was Drake and I. I opened the day with my key. "Mother, we're home!" I called dropping my bags at the front door; I could smell the sweet aroma of my mother’s famous pancakes. There is no place like home. The words danced around in my head. The first person that ran to greet us was… yep you guessed it, Angie.
"Hey baby girl, I missed you." Drake said picking her up.
"Happy New Year Daddy!" she hugged him. It always warms my heart to see that, I mean they only met 3years ago and she acts like he has been there from day 1.
"Hey, hey, hey I missed you too…” I pouted, “Where's my hug." She giggled at me.
"Angie, your mother is jealous that you love me more."
"Drake, shut up and give me my daughter." I playfully rolled my eyes at him.
"Nicki!!! Happy New Year!"My mother exclaimed, squishing Angel as she hugged me.
"Aubrey!!!" Drake hugged his mother then we switched. Soon or later all my brothers and our fathers came out from nowhere and greeted us.
"I have missed you all and Happy New Year everyone." Drake said, we were all going to go our separate ways in the house until Drake spoke again. "Before we all leave this beautiful foyer to go catch up with one another, I would like you all to witness what I am about to do." Drake got down on one knee. All I heard was my mother and his mother surprised gasps and my irregular heart beat. He took my left hand as I was still holding Angel in my right. "My Queen. My Love. My Life. My All" He quoted what he wrote on my necklace 3years ago. "I love you, I love our child and I want you to be mine forever." I was in tears from when he got down on one knee. If he asks what I think he is gonna ask I may just die. “Will you marry me?" I died a little inside!
I smiled "Yes I will" He put the ring on my finger, it was the PERFECT fit. He got up pecked my lips and then kissed Angie forehead.
“She said yes baby girl” He high fived her. “We’re getting married everyone!!!” he exclaimed. Everyone congratulated us and hugged us and wished up the best of luck.
"Ho Ho Ho Happy New Year" Everyone laughed at my random out bust.
From Mesha and Esther, Happy Holidays and Have a Happy New Year!!!
I woke up this morning, I don't want to get up, because my bed is too cosy aka I’m feeling lazy today. Today I'm having mixed emotions; I feeling happy and depressed. Okay I bet your wondering why... I mean I am Nicki Minaj! I do have a wonderful boyfriend that I wake up to almost of the time, due to Drake and my crazy schedules we are hardly together as for Angie; she has to travel back and forth to see us. Confused much? Let’s keep it that way... So it’s New Years Eve... I am happy I made it to another year but I'm depressed because I have a show tonight. Don't get me wrong, I love my barbz but I love my family too and I miss them.
Good Morning Beautiful :-) Now get up and show the world your beauty! ~ My Boo
LooL Drake knows me too well. I am gonna have to get up now.
I love you baby xo ~My All
I love you too ;) you out of bed yet?~ My boo
Nope, I was still in bed like I ain't got somewhere to be. I shook my head at my own thoughts.
Maybe I am, maybe I'm not *Angie's voice*: P ~My All
LoL seriously get up you have a long day ahead of you. ~ My Boo
Fine I’m up Drake!!!~My All
@NICKIMINAJ: Good Morning Barbz :) Drake is tryin to get me out of bed and he ain't even here.
@Drake: TeamMinaj don't diss me she has to get ready for tonight!
@NICKIMINAJ: But Papi, I need you to carry me out. Hehehe
@Drake: I will be there soon so I can do whatever you need me to do to you *winks* Mami.
@NICKIMINAJ: *looks from left to right* Drizzy... O.O stop! I have babies reading.
@NICKIMINAJ Anywhore.... Be sure to catch YMCMB on 106 & Park tonight @ 10pm
@NICKIMINAJ come and join for my All Pink Friday Party At Mansion!! xo
I read a couple of tweets before actually getting up, I took a shower reminiscing on the 3years that has gone by. Drake is back in my life, he is being the best father and boyfriend ever. Angel is now 9years old she is really growing up to fast. Oh, I decided to change her name to Angel Claire Graham since she is his daughter too. She is so intelligent like her father and I love seeing her happy. I am happy she has both parents in her life now, it’s just easier. I just don't want her to be one of those kids that never see their parents. For the New Year I want to base my schedule around her life.
I stepped out the shower after an hour and did my daily routine. I wore my pink Uggs, black sweats and a cute pink top. I let my natural hair flow down so it could air dry.
Gwoooooooorl hurry up! we’ve been in the lobby for half an hour~ Lauren
I met Terrance, Lauren and SB in the lobby. “Girl you be taking your time." Lauren said pressed as she was scrolling up on her blackberry.
"Lauren, you have known me for 15years, why are you acting like this is brand new, I always take my time." I rolled my eyes at her playfully. "Anywho, Good Morning Y'all." I greeted them. "Safaree did you tell Martian to book the nail appointment for me and Lauren."
"Did you confirm that he booked it with the nail salon."
"Yep, they said he did." I nodded.
"Okay Terrance I will meet you and Day here at 5" I said to him.
After having lunch and getting my nails done with Lauren it was already 3pm so I called my mother to check on Angel. "Hello Care Bear."
"Hey mama, uncle Caiah and I went to the arcade and play with his cute friend yesterday. Today I made t-shirt for everybody and Grandma helped." I smiled; she is so smart and creative. She wants to be a fashion designer and she is sticking to it.
“Aww is my one pink?”
“Of Course” I love her. I spoke to her for 1hour.
"Okay Angie be good for Grandma and Grandpa, like always and Happy New Year."
"Okay see you tomorrow! Bye Momma. Have fun tonight. Love you and happy new year."
"Love you too, muaaaaaaaaaah" I hung up and someone knocked on my door. "Come in" The door swung up, Terrance and SB came in the suite holding Roses.
"Drake said we should deliver these with you party hat." I smiled, how sweet.
"Thanks guys." I hugged them and took the flowers. "Umm guys imma take an hour nap then we can get started."
"Me too, I’m feeling sleepy" Lauren yawned.
Thank you baby, I love you so much. ~ My All
"You're welcome... Love you more~ My Boo
At Mansion.
Once I arrived at the club, I walked the pink carpet, took a couple wild looking pics and did a couple interviews. Then I went in to the club. It was packed full all I heard was screaming and I saw a bunch of people with wigs and party hats. I got to the V.I.P area. Now I could see the whole club. It was crazy; everyone screamed my name once I grabbed the mic. "Hello Barbz and Kenz are you ready to party?" They screamed "Yes"
I giggled. "Okay DJ let's get it jop!" He started play song while I signed boobs and men boobs. I spoke to so many barbz. I kissed all of them. Like a said before I love my barbz so much they are my world, my family and they're everything.
It was two minutes before the New Year. So I told them to stop the music. "Listen barbz and Kenz, make this year your own don't let anybody tell you what you can and can't do. I love you guys." I said in to the mic. "We love you Nicki" a group of girls said in the far right corner of the club.
"Okay it's Time. 10… 9… 8… 7…6… 5… 4… 3… 2…1 HAPPY NEW YEAR!" I looked into the crowd, as I played with the heart shaped necklace Drake got me years ago and I saw a lot of people drinking, hugging, they had the biggest smiles on their faces and I saw couples kissing, they reminded of Drake and I. It's just really sad how we're in two different states; I just wish he was here. I turned around to tell Safaree to give me my mic because I handed it to him after the countdown. I turned around and saw Drake? I just stared at him. Then I attacked his lips, that I missed so much as he wrapped his strong arms around my petite waist. I missed him so much, that tears fell from my eyes as our lips were still locked together. I forgot I was still in the mist of my fans until we pulled away. "Babe I love you" I said to him, my first words of the new year to the man I love. Thank God that i found my Mr. Right. We have been through ups and downs but we still end up in this beautiful place. He wiped my joyful tears away.
"I love you more." I pecked his lips and lead him to the dance floor. We slow danced and hugged most of the time. I just love this moment. This is the most Drake and I have seen each other in Two weeks. So expect us to be all lovey dovey up.

The Next Day…
Drake and I went to my mother's house. While my team went they separate ways. Drake’s family and my family were spending the holidays together; the only two missing was Drake and I. I opened the day with my key. "Mother, we're home!" I called dropping my bags at the front door; I could smell the sweet aroma of my mother’s famous pancakes. There is no place like home. The words danced around in my head. The first person that ran to greet us was… yep you guessed it, Angie.
"Hey baby girl, I missed you." Drake said picking her up.
"Happy New Year Daddy!" she hugged him. It always warms my heart to see that, I mean they only met 3years ago and she acts like he has been there from day 1.
"Hey, hey, hey I missed you too…” I pouted, “Where's my hug." She giggled at me.
"Angie, your mother is jealous that you love me more."
"Drake, shut up and give me my daughter." I playfully rolled my eyes at him.
"Nicki!!! Happy New Year!"My mother exclaimed, squishing Angel as she hugged me.
"Aubrey!!!" Drake hugged his mother then we switched. Soon or later all my brothers and our fathers came out from nowhere and greeted us.
"I have missed you all and Happy New Year everyone." Drake said, we were all going to go our separate ways in the house until Drake spoke again. "Before we all leave this beautiful foyer to go catch up with one another, I would like you all to witness what I am about to do." Drake got down on one knee. All I heard was my mother and his mother surprised gasps and my irregular heart beat. He took my left hand as I was still holding Angel in my right. "My Queen. My Love. My Life. My All" He quoted what he wrote on my necklace 3years ago. "I love you, I love our child and I want you to be mine forever." I was in tears from when he got down on one knee. If he asks what I think he is gonna ask I may just die. “Will you marry me?" I died a little inside!
I smiled "Yes I will" He put the ring on my finger, it was the PERFECT fit. He got up pecked my lips and then kissed Angie forehead.
“She said yes baby girl” He high fived her. “We’re getting married everyone!!!” he exclaimed. Everyone congratulated us and hugged us and wished up the best of luck.
"Ho Ho Ho Happy New Year" Everyone laughed at my random out bust.
Oh first Post of the year will be On Love Song!